Health and safety management service
Maintaining health and safety in the workplace
Once you employ people, as well as keeping on the right side of employment law, you must to abide by health and safety requirements. Even the smallest office environment presents hazards and safeguarding risks that you as the employer must take responsibility for.
Examples of concerns that you might want to clarify with a health and safety company include:
First aid
Fire risk assessments
Providing or maintaining safe equipment
Working with substances safely
Establishing emergency procedures
The HR Dept can arrange for a health and safety specialist to inspect your workplace and make recommendations that will keep your employees safe and you compliant.
There are numerous benefits of outsourcing your health and safety management, including:
Health and safety management saves time!
Reading up on health and safety legislation for your business can be a time-consuming task. It can easily feel overwhelming sifting through documents as you try to identify the points that are most relevant to you and your business.
Outsourcing this task to a qualified health and safety expert takes a weight off your mind and frees up your time to focus on your core activities.
Reduce the risk with health and safety management in the workplace
By planning and pre-empting situations, your expertly advised health and safety policy can massively reduce risks for you and your business. Think of it as a virtual safety net ready to catch you if you slip up.
The added value of outsourcing to professional health and safety management is knowing that you are receiving the most up-to-date and legally compliant health and safety advice.
The health and safety service that will save you money
Health and safety compliance is a legal requirement, yet the overhead cost of hiring a full or even part-time health and safety employee could be expensive, and not something you had originally budgeted for.
Outsourcing gives you the opportunity to consult a health and safety expert, as and when you need the advice. This cuts down on overhead costs and ensures that you are only paying for the advice you need, when you need it.
Talk to the HR Dept and be assured with a health and safety management service
Our Health & Safety Advice Line is a comprehensive health and safety service. It provides you with unlimited health and safety advice, practical support and competent person provision. The health and safety advice that you receive from us is backed with legal expenses insurance. This means that if you follow our advice, you are covered if further legal assistance is required.
To find out more about The Health & Safety Dept, call us or email.
Up next read more about employee health and well-being
Is your business compliant with Health & Safety law?
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Looking for expert health & Safety support?
We can help you focus on your business by taking care of all your health & safety needs.
Let us know how we can help or ask about our free initial H&S review.
Safety solutions that grow with you
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Office Address: The Health & Safety Dept, First Floor, 3 Brook Office Park, Emersons Green, Bristol, BS16 7FL | VAT Number: 900674738 | Registration Number: 06316590
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