Whether you’re at the helm of an established enterprise or a blossoming startup, the wellbeing of staff should be your top priority. After all, a business is nothing without its employees. That said, ensuring that working conditions meet regulatory requirements and that individuals are safe is no small task; it requires expert knowledge, adequate preparation and consistent vigilance.
It is the legal duty of employers to ensure the welfare of staff and visitors; this responsibility is often delegated to supervisors and managers. For those in positions or seniority or leadership, understanding the areas for which they are responsible is crucial. As is the case in any aspect of business, proper delegation and assignment of tasks ensures that matters are dealt with effectively and efficiently. This is particularly true of health and safety.
Below, we’ll explore the importance of properly implemented health and safety systems and the role that managers play in this process. From first aid training and risk assessment to workplace inspections and accident investigations, here’s everything you need to know.
Who Is Responsible For Health and Safety In The Workplace?
As touched upon above, proper delegation of duties is conducive to effective health and safety management. For this to work, individuals must be aware of their part in the process. Primarily, it is the responsibility of directors and senior managers to ensure employee’s physical and mental health is protected. Equally, employees shoulder the responsibility of adhering to their employer’s health and safety guidelines, while actively taking measures to safeguard their own and their colleagues’ welfare.
Managerial Duties
No two businesses are entirely alike. Therefore, implementing effective health and safety measures requires a thorough understanding of your organisation and its inner workings. Managers, in particular, should utilise their understanding of business-specific requirements to ensure that appropriate systems and procedures are in place to protect their employees.
Policy Development & Dissemination
First and foremost, businesses with more than five employees are legally required to document, maintain and improve their health and safety arrangements. Typically, it is the responsibility of managers to oversee the development and implementation of such procedures. As you may have guessed, creating policies and procedures that work is a sizable task. Not only does it require expert understanding of legislation and regulations, it must be regularly reviewed and updated to suit the evolving needs of your business.
Moreover, it is the duty of managers to ensure that this information is clearly communicated among their workforce. From processes and procedures to equipment usage and high-risk activity information, making sure that everyone is on the same page is vital. Pre-planned safety meetings, such as our Toolbox Talks, are often a great way to do this, keeping staff up to date on changes, best practices and precautionary measures.
Of course, drafting clear, effective health and safety policies is only half the battle; ensuring that these are properly communicated among employees is essential. It is the responsibility of managers to disseminate this information among the workforce. That said, expert assistance is almost always a necessity.
Risk Assessment & Mitigation
Among the primary responsibilities of any employer is risk assessment. This is both a legal requirement and diligent measure for any workplace, ensuring that hazards to staff and visitors are identified and mitigated. Be it an office, school, retailer or construction site, risk assessments should not only identify potential dangers, but outline the necessary preventative measures.
In some circumstances, managers may be required to create risk assessments and method statements (RAMS). These documents are synonymous with high-risk industries and tasks, such as construction work. Owing to the importance of RAMS documentation, it is highly recommended that managers and employers seek expert guidance during their creation.
It goes without saying that it is up to managers to ensure their employees are fully trained and capable of carrying out the tasks to which they are assigned; this is equally true with regards to health and safety. Ensuring that staff receive the guidance necessary to do their jobs in a safe way is absolutely essential. This is beneficial for managers and employees alike, ensuring that a strong understanding of health and safety best-practices is maintained within the professional environment.
Effective health and safety training should encompass preventative and reactive measures. This includes first aid, stress awareness, fire safety, cyber security, mental health, food safety and driver awareness (where applicable). Enrolling employees in online health and safety training courses is a highly effective means of upskilling your workforce and improving their awareness of risk.
Leading By Example
Finally, it is important that managers lead by example. Regardless of industry or the size of their workforce, senior and line managers have a duty to demonstrate their commitment to the wellbeing of their employees. In order to do so, it is vital that managers establish a positive safety culture within their organisation. This means creating a space in which employees are comfortable airing any concerns they may have, allowing you to continually improve and refine your organisation’s health and safety management.
Expert Health and Safety Support For Businesses & Managers
Effective health and safety management requires a proactive approach, clear knowledge of legal regulations and a razor sharp attention to detail. This is, understandably, a sizable task for managers to take on single-handedly; to guarantee efficacy and compliance, the expertise of health and safety professionals is invaluable.
Whether you require assistance with policy development, risk assessments, training or management systems, The Health and Safety Dept are here to help. Get in touch to discuss our tailored solutions.